DBeaver 24.2.1

  • SQL Editor:
    • Smart syntax highlighting was significantly improved
    • Pseudo columns highlighting was improved
    • Table aliases were fixed in smart completion
    • Issue with pinned tabs was resolved
    • Syntax highlighting fixed for single quoted strings (thanks to @tlm365)
    • SQL console save was redesigned (it now asks for confirmation)
  • Data editor:
    • Commit/rollback buttons now enabled only when transactions are applicable
    • Column description rendering was improved for dark theme
  • Database navigator: horizontal scrolling was fixed, now action icons are always visible
  • Object editor: bottom toolbar layout was unified for all tabs
  • Data transfer:
    • CSV parameters documentation was added
    • Database backup/restore dialog layout ws fixed
  • General:
    • Snapcraft image now includes additional fonts
    • Embedded browser support was added for Linux/GTK
    • App command line parameters logging was was disabled because of security concerns
    • Issue with splash screen and error message overlapping was resolved
    • Resource leak detection logging was added by default
    • We migrated to Eclipse 2024-09 platform
  • Databases:
    • Altibase: database replication metadata was supported (thaks to @zennken)
    • Azure SQL: “show all databases” option was removed
    • CUBRID:
      • Index drop command generation wad fixed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Procedure create dialog was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • List of reserved keywords was updated (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
    • DolphinDB driver was added (thanks to @peeyee)
    • MySQL: NULL geometry values handle was fixed (thanks to @EastLord)
    • Salesforce CDP: connection dialog layout was fixed
    • SAP HANA:
      • Connection dialog was improved for HANA Cloud (thanks to @kai-morich)
      • Expired password change feature was added (thanks to @kai-morich)
    • Trino: issue with long cursor reading was fixed (thanks to @schaffino)
  • Localization:
    • Arabic localization was added (thanks to @AliElamir)
    • Brazilian Portuguese localization was updated (thanks to @brlarini)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.2

Changes since 24.1.5:

  • SQL Editor:
    • Fixed highlighting of block $$ for functions and procedures when the semantic analysis option is enabled
    • Warning and errors handling and presentation was improved
    • Subquery semantic analysis was enhanced
    • Improved CREATE and DROP queries handling
    • Autocompletion for fully qualified names was fixed
    • Duplication of proposals with new completion engine enabled was fixed
    • Incorrect suggestions with new completion engine enabled were fixed
  • AI Assistant:
    • Added new model ‘gpt-4o-mini’
    • Removed deprecated model ‘gpt-3.5-turbo-16K’
    • Fixed query generation when enabled formatting
  • Data Editor:
    • Some datatypes icons were changed
    • Fixed filtering on columns with spaces
    • Added an ability to render geometry shapes in their assigned color if a ‘color’ column is present in the result set
    • Improved handling of fully qualified names in Grouping panel according to SQL dialect
    • Local links opening was restricted
  • Datatransfer: Data transfer windows width was fixed
  • Connectivity: Fixed verification of the 127.0.01 host when connecting via SSH
  • General:
    • Fixed flipping splash screen on macOS Sequoia
    • Foreign Data wrappers configurator was fixed
    • ‘Open auth links in embedded browser’ setting was disabled by default
    • Search in Preferences was improved: added keywords for reopen, open, Hippie, autosave, and others
    • Fixed selection of wrong database when changing connection for database with similar names
    • Folder display in Simple view was fixed
    • Numeric (DWORD) type parameters in Windows Registry are now supported
    • ‘Ctrl+Alt+Left / Right’ hotkeys for ‘Previous Edit Location’ and ‘Next Edit Location’ were fixed
  • Databases:
    • Clickhouse: Filtering by the Date data type was fixed
    • MySQL: Error/output log dump was fixed
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Ordering by interval datatypes in the Data grid was fixed
      • Added regexp functions support in SQL Editor (thanks to @anton-erofeev)
    • Redshift:
      • Connection stability was significantly improved
      • DDL presentation was fixed
      • Role, User, and Group presentation was fixed
    • SQL Server:
      • SQL Server driver was updated to version 12.8.0
      • Fixed DDL and column display with custom data types
  • Localization: French localization was updated (thanks to @KawtharAlakri)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1.5

  • SQL Editor:
    • Added semantic analysis and Outline viewer support for CREATE and ALTER TABLE queries
    • Added presentation for warnings in semantic analysis results
    • Data type icons were redesigned
    • SQL error presentation was redesigned
    • ‘Execute SQL Script’ option behavior was fixed
    • SQL Output for SQL scripts was fixed
    • Output panel opening was fixed
    • Column aliases can now be copied with Advanced Copy option (thanks to @dstivanov)
    • Column validation for UPDATE SET clause was fixed
    • Issue with invalid table name was fixed
    • If all tabs with query results are pinned, a new tab with a new query result is created
  • Data Editor: Paste into the table with no foreign key was fixed
  • Database Navigator:
    • Connection visualization was fixed
    • Navigator icons were redesigned
  • Connectivity: Connection page for custom drivers with the URL template was fixed
  • General:
    • Opening links to local files has been restricted due to a security issue discovered by @LuskaBol
    • Improved error handling when trying to use not allowed characters in project name
  • Databases:
    • Altibase: Non-schema objects like Job, Database Link, Directory, and Library are now supported (thanks to @zennken)
    • BigQuery: Database monitoring dashboards were added
    • GaussDB driver was updated to version 4-1.1 (thanks to @GaussDB-Fans)
    • MariaDB: Geometry data type is now supported
    • Ocient: Incorrect DDL generation was fixed (thanks to @mjsterckx)
    • SQLite: Full text search was improved
    • SQL Server: Saving changes in procedures was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1.4

  • SQL Editor:
    • Problem markers with semantic error descriptions were added. You can click on the problem description in the tooltip to find out what is wrong with the query.
    • INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP, CREATE, and ALTER statements execution in read-only mode was prohibited
    • Smart mode for Blank line state delimiter was improved
    • Simultaneous query execution was fixed: if a query is already being executed, you can execute another query in a new tab only
    • Composite type field color became visible in the Dark theme
    • Completion analyzer performance was enhanced
  • Data Editor:
    • Inline editing of geometry fields was fixed
    • New keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C has been added to use the advanced copy option with the latest settings, without opening a popup window
  • Metadata Editor: Generate SQL option in the context menu was fixed
  • Connectivity: Closing idle connections and default timeout were fixed
  • General:
    • Users can import connections from SQL Workbench and DbVizualizer
    • Wayland support on Linux was fixed
    • Several code improvements have been made (thanks to @KonstantinRight)
  • Databases:
    • GaussDB driver was added (thanks to @GaussDB-Fans)
    • Couchbase: Legacy Couchbase driver was removed
    • CUBRID:
      • Execution plan was enhanced (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
      • Issue with Null datatype was fixed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Creating partition option was removed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • InterSystems IRIS driver was updated to version 2024.1 (thanks to @isc-rsingh)
    • PostgreSQL: If the database name is empty, it will be set to the same as the username
    • SAP Hana: Additional system table prefix was added (thanks to @kai-morich)
    • SQL Server: Ability to upgrade/install the driver was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1.3

  • SQL Editor:
    • Added ability to disconnect from the datasourse when all associated editors were closed (configurable)
    • New autocompletion engine was significantly enhanced
    • Autocompletion for derived columns in sub-queries was improved
    • Autocomplete suggestions inside literals in INSERT INTO were disabled
    • Execution of the corrected SQL script was fixed
    • ‘Recent SQL script’ was renamed to the ‘Last edited SQL script’
    • Short/long object names completion configuration was redesigned
  • Metadata editor: Composite data types presentation was added for table columns
  • Data editor: JSON and XML panels performance was enhanced
  • Data transfer:
    • Compress option behavior was fixed
    • Wizard window auto-size was fixed
  • Task management: Broken exported file extension after the task editing was fixed
  • Dashboards: Project dashboard UX was improved
  • Connectivity:
    • Connections invalidation after sleep mode was added
    • Idle connections timeout was fixed
  • General:
    • Establishing connection visualization was added to Database Navigator and Projects
    • Tooltip delay on macOS was reduced and became configurable
    • Saving script outside the Script folder was fixed
    • SVG extension was moved to the PRO version
    • Authentication in embedded browser was temporarily disabled on Linux
  • Databases:
    • Altibase:
      • Added the ability to compile procedure, function, or package from the UI as well as truncate table and refresh materialized view (thanks to @zennken)
      • Added status of the view, materialized view, procedure, function, or package (thanks to @zennken)
      • Execution plan parsing error was fixed (thanks to @zennken)
    • Clickhouse:
      • DateTime32 formatting was fixed
      • IPV6 data presentation was added (thanks to @asifjoardar)
      • Complex structure display in the Data grid was fixed
    • CUBRID:
      • View creation was added to the UI (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Supported keywords for SQL Editor were reviewed and updated (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
      • Ability to edit Serial using UI was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • DuckDB: Data edit was fixed
    • Microsoft Azure driver was updated to version 12.7.0
    • Oracle: DDL generation for Oracle Tablespaces was added (thanks to @pandya09)
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Specific functions were supported in the SQL Editor (thanks to @EastLord)
      • Metadata read was fixed
    • Redshift:
      • Metadata reading for indexes was disabled
      • Problems with broken connection were resolved
    • SAP IQ: Duplicated output messages were fixed
    • Teradata: Database name became optional for connection
    • Vertica: Incorrect query execution with the cursor at the end was fixed
  • Localization: Italian localization was updated (thanks to @Gnafu)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1.2

  • SQL Editor:
    • Performance in Smart mode of Blank line as a statement delimiter was enhanced
    • Ability to show all SQL scripts from the main toolbar was added
    • Syntax highlighting for functions with multiple arguments was fixed
    • SQL datatype color use was corrected
    • DROP statement support was added to Outline
  • Metadata Editor: Foreign Key creation dialog UIX was improved
  • Data Editor:
    • Indication of the table read-only/editable mode was added
    • Information about active unique key used for data edit was added
    • Customise and Save filter buttons were moved to the dropdown
    • Issue with too small Result Set Order/Filter Settings window was resolved
    • Rollback timer flickering was fixed
  • Query Manager: information about database schema and catalog was added to the detailed record view
  • Simple Structure Compare: issue with long file names was resolved
  • Connectivity:
    • Issue with default SSH connection timeout was resolved
    • Driver downloading problem reporting was fixed
  • General:
    • Incorrect button behavior in the confirmation dialog was fixed
    • Security credential encryption was enhanced (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • Toolbar and Data Editor background on the Dark theme was improved
    • Smart commit mode indication was fixed
    • Issue with metadata cache reading was resolved
    • Automatic resize of connection dialog and tasks dialogs was fixed
    • Databases:
      • Clickhouse:
        • Complex structures handling was fixed
        • Clickhouse driver was updated to version 0.6.1
      • CUBRID: ‘db_server’ information was added to the Database Navigator
      • Oracle: Connection error in the application downloaded from the Microsoft Store was fixed
      • PostgreSQL: Dollar-quoted string parsing was fixed
      • SQL Server:
        • Issue with resultset primary key detection was resolved
        • Duplicated output when running stored procedures was fixed
        • NTLM Authentication was fixed
        • Datetime datatype representation was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1.1

  • AI: GPT-4o model was supported
  • SQL Editor:
    • Auto-save editor setting was enabled by default
    • ILIKE keyword was supported
    • Support for unsigned numbers in GROUP BY clause was added
    • Syntax highlighting and outline viewer support parameter changes in SQL Processing settings
    • Links to the SQL Editor and Visual Query Builder were added to the Context menu
    • Buttons in the right toolbar were renamed
    • Print mode in ER Diagrams and Execution plan was fixed
    • Saving Diagram outside the workspace was fixed
  • Data Editor:
    • Information about table unique key is displayed in the grid
    • BETWEEN and LIKE keywords were added to filetr autocomplection
  • Data transfer:
    • Export of data with backticks was fixed (thanks to @diashalabi)
    • Export of binary columns in JSON format was fixed
  • General:
    • Ability to restore default settings was fixed in SQL Editor Formatting settings, SQL Editor settings, SQL Editor Commit type, Error handling settings, and Hex Editor default width
    • Creating a view from the UI was fixed
    • Buttons display when creating new dashboard was fixed
    • New table creation was fixed
  • The following drivers were updated:
    • Firebird to version 5.0.4
    • Redshift to
    • Informix to 4.50.JC10W1
  • Databases:
    • Altibase: Search for server properties was added (thanks to @zennken)
    • BigQuery: Ability to see bytes billed in Statistics panel in the Data Editor was added
    • Cubrid:
      • Execution plan coloring was enhanced (thanks to @hwany7seo)
      • Ability to create a table via UI was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • DDL display for a view was added together with the ability to display the list of indexes, synonyms, serials, triggers, and procedures (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Ping query for keep connection alive was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
      • Partition display was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
    • PostgreSQL:
      • If database field in connection settings is empty, user name is used as a database name
      • Work of ‘Use fully qualified names’ setting was fixed for views
    • Redis: Key settings were fixed
    • Redshift: Constraint creation was fixed
    • Vertica: Stored procedures handling in SQL Editor was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.1

Changes since 24.0.5:

  • SQL Editor: issue with extra linefeed during autocompletion was fixed
  • Data Editor: loading data when fast scrolling using the keyboard was fixed
  • Database tasks:
    • Maximum execution time option was added
    • Tasks running from non-default workspace was fixed
  • Connectivity:
    • ‘Azure AD’ was renamed to ‘Microsoft Entra ID’
    • Links to database support documentation were added for many databases
    • Automatical termination of the shell command script ‘Before connect’ was fixed
  • General:
    • Crash when closing detached editor tab in another window was fixed
    • ‘Restore default’ for Metadata read, Client identification settings was fixed
    • .projects and .settings folders became findable in Projects when the application is used as an Eclipse plugin
    • Truncated notifications were fixed
  • Projects:
    • Disconnecting a database from the Project view was fixed
    • Opening a bookmark after changing the application language was fixed (thanks to @SASUKE38)
  • ERD: loading diagrams for drivers with broken foreign keys support was fixed
  • Database Navigator:
    • Color of the table statistics was changed to visible in the dark theme and became configurable
    • Deleting connection option in the context menu was renamed to ‘Delete connection’
  • Databases:
    • CrateDB: table DDL was fixed
    • Databricks: authentication with personal access token was added
    • DB2i: procedure creation was fixed
    • DuckDB: aliases autocompletion was fixed
    • H2: foreign keys presentation was fixed
    • Oracle: JSON data type support was improved
    • PostgreSQL: support of fully qualified names in DDL was fixed
  • Localization:
    • German localization was updated (thanks to @maxbobse)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.0.5

  • SQL Editor:
    • Smart mode for statement delimiter was improved
    • Default option for the setting ‘Blank line is statement delimiter’ was changed to ‘Always’
    • Cursor behavior during autocompletion was improved
    • Code highlighting issue with a quoted identifier in case of no connection was fixed
    • High CPU usage for large script was fixed
  • Metadata Editor:
    • Highlighting for created entities was changed to green
    • Virtual foreign keys: reference table container selector was fixed
  • Database Navigator: CTRL+C and other shortcuts behavior after the application startup were fixed
  • AI (extension): custom scope performance was improved
  • General:
    • Opening editors for files with special symbols in names was fixed
    • Portable distribution of the application was fixed (config files location)
    • Licensing for some source files was fixed
  • Eclipse plugin: new database objects create was fix
  • Databases
    • DuckDB: Spatial data visualization support was added
    • Oracle:
      • Partition type display was added
      • Materialized view refresh was fixed
    • SQL Server: Default IDENTITY was changed to (1,1) (thanks to @Sgierek106)
    • Vertica: LOOP/END LOOP as a block and DECLARE were added to the syntax analyzer
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 24.0.4

  • SQL Editor:
    • Smart mode for Blank line is statement delimiter setting was fixed
    • Vertical button alignment was fixed
  • ER Diagrams: Keep layout selection was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Import from CSV with duplicated columns names was fixed
    • Parallel data transfer monitoring/cancellation were fixed
  • Dashboards:
    • Ability to drag and drop charts to another dashboard was added
    • Number of minor UI improvements were added
  • Connectivity:
    • SSH parameters validation on the Connection page was added
    • Editing of ‘Local host’ and ‘Remote host’ fields in the Port Forwarding section was fixed
    • Database connection timeout notification was fixed
  • Development: Redundant tests were disabled
  • Databases:
    • MariaDB:
      • GRANT OPTION privilege persistence was fixed
      • Schema privileges representation was fixed
    • SQL Server: trigger deletion was fixed
    • Teradata: link to the referenced table in the Metadata editor was added
  • Localization: French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
  • General:
    • Language configuration in Windows installer was fixed
    • We have migrated to Eclipse 2024/06
Posted in Releases